Android Connecting to EDUroam WIFI

Connecting an Android to EDUroam WIFI

***Google Pixels, unfortunately, requires a certificate we do not have in place that would be installed onto your device.

  1. On your Android device, swipe down twice to find the settings option.

  2. Tap Settings, then Network & Internet, Internet.

  3. Tap EDUroam.

  4. Tap EAP method, then select PEAP.

  5. Tap Phase 2 authentication, then select MSCHAPV2.

  6. Tap CA certificate, then select Use system certificates.

  7. Tap Online Certificate Status, then select Do not verify.

  8. Tap the line under Domain and enter dps.darien.lan

  1. Tap the line under Identity and enter your DPS email address

  2. Tap the line under Password and enter your email/network password.

  3. Tap Connect at the bottom of the screen.

Creation date: 1/17/2024 1:13 PM      Updated: 1/17/2024 1:14 PM